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Friday 2 March 2018


How to hold Pooja Vidya

According to the Hindu Dharma, the worship of the deities is based on the Upanana of Sagun (meaningful). 'Who is the time for the pujas in busy daily life?' This is the type of negative viewpoint. Today, people use the puja to pour water on an icole, kanda (chocolate paste) to help thrive, give some leaves and move the incense.

Only the holy power of our scholars (strong power) is available only when we pray with our holy books. When worshiping the Vedas mentioned in the Vedas, great devotion and devotion are equally important.

Importance of Puja rule

Panapacharachar and Sodashopachar Dharma teach one person to follow the ritual. It shows the scientific depth of the clergy in the Hindu Dharma
A. Divine doctrine drew an Idol due to its specific shape; This theory is aware of the Suncars like the Puja (subtle logs). His sacred bhakis Maharaj mirrors an Idol in a place. Accordingly, it was already 2% divine theory. Everyday prayed. As a consequence of this continuous sanskars, the divine theory in Idol has woke up to 5%.

Types of Pooja rule

The Bible specifies the following four types of poojas: The first two varieties are at the physical level, and we usually say 'angelic', at the next two subtleties.

Pachopachar Pooja (Puja of a statue or Puja): Panchabachar = Pancha (five) + Abdur. Kanda (sandal paste), pool (floral), thiop, deep (oil lamp) and naytheya provide five routes.

How many times a day and what Should God's Pooja Vidya be done?

The puja of the deity is a daily karma (an act). The psyche should be performed three times daily (morning, afternoon and sunset). If this is not possible, you should make the showdoshoparachuji in the morning, Panchoparachujah should be done after the afternoon and sunset. If Murugan (pooja is done three times a day), it should be done only once in the morning.

When is the puja hanging off?

 Without bathing or without drugs.
During the 10-day period of Soyar and Sattu. This 10-day period is considered to be Ashoka in the case of Soyar and Sudak (spiritual unclear). On the 11th day after the purification, puja is done. However, the head of the family can do the pooja after the 12th day of sutak case.]
If the woman's house is monthly, if she is kept in a room that is not frequently known, an old man in the house can perform a bath after a bath. If there is no place for the deity in a separate room, the temple in the temple should be closed up in these four days (until the end of months).

Why should we understand the science-based puja

Understanding any scientist based on any action involving the veneration, he can act in complete concentration. Pav helps grow for cultivation, which is based on personal ritual worship worship. Based on karma and charity directly related to the pujas, the purpose of God's purpose, the purpose and its associated contact-effect-relationship.


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